Famous Festivals of India

Holi – It is the festival of colour and love. Falling in the month of March, Holi Festival celeberates good harvest and fertility. Throwing colours on each other is an intrinsic part of Holi festival. It is also associated with immortal love of Krishna and Radha.

Diwali – This is also one of the famous festivals of India falling in the month of October. This is an important festival falling on no-moon day of the dark half of Kartik, according to the Hindu lunar calendar. The festival is exuberant and is celebrated with full zest.

Ganesh Chaturthi: Celeberated majorly in Maharashtra, this fest forces everyone to participate and exalt Lord Ganesh. This day is celeberated as Lord Ganesha Birthday.

Dusherra : Dussherra is one big festival in India. Falling in the month of October, Dussherra celeberated on the last day of Navrataras. Kullu and Mysore are two famous destination that celeberate these festivals in India.

Navrataras : Navaratras is a nine day festival in India. It is held in respect of Goddess Durga. It is a popular festival and women in India generally take up fast for eight days.In Gujurat, it is celebrated with great exuberance and is shown in Dandiya nights, which are particularly held during these days.

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