Times Global Village

Venue : Near DND Fly Away
Car Parking : Rs 50

Tickets: Rs 50 for adults
Rs 15 for kids.
Duration: 24th March- 24th April

Much to the expectation, Times Global Village didn't turned out that good as what I expected it to be. Especially when the fair was set up by an eminent media group and Delhi Tourism board.

Initially the "Starters" were good to but the actual menu lost its flavour. Creation of "Seven wonders of the World" at the entrance gave me the plunge but then "THAT WAS IT".

Based on the concept of offering an excellent shopping extravaganza with lots of entertainment to the entire family, Times of India forgot to differentiate itself with other fairs, which happen now and then in Delhi.

Though I must appreciate the idea of bringing different countries together but some how it didn't worked. Pakistan, UAE, UK, South Africa, China, Thailand and India are the major players. They have been allotted separate pavilions where they can project their art craft and culture. You can make some good purchases out here.

Food stalls, joy rides, cultural programs, Times of India made sure that none should feel left out. But the response amongst the people was quite "Cold". Given a thought WE expect more from TIMES **********.

Note : This is a personalized review and I am not trying to jeopardize any one image. I have jotted down my experience about the Times Global Village. It may differ from person to person.

1 comment:

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