North East India

I don't know why I am so fascinated by North East India and its people. I don't have any specific reason for this but I am overwhelmed by this zone. So this post is dedicated to NE India - An unexplored paradise. Government of India is taking initiative to promote tourism here and I would not be far behind to do that.

Blogs Worth Having A Dekho

North East India Travelogs
Books on North East India
Photos & Videos
Northeast India Paradise


Gowri said...

Dear Manjari,

I have a fascination for North-East India too, though i have never been there before.Hope to explore it soon. I loved your blog. Wonderful compilation of pictures.You have covered the different regions of India, which is wonderful. Great Job!

Naturegirl said...

I am pleased that you introduced yourself to me! I will now be visiting India and seeing it through your eyes with just a click of the keys!It is always interesting to explore different countries!Your photos are wonderful! :)NG from Canada