
In seven classical form of dance, Bharat Natyam is the oldest one, regarded as a mixture of science and art as taught by sage Bharata. It was originated in southern India and fostered in the temples and courts. Some historian believed that it was originated in ancient times near Tanjore as a temple dance of Devdasis. Although, dance was a form of veneration towards gods but later in the 19th century it got a status as a performing art by four brothers known as Tanjore Quartet. The art was under the Devadasi system in which a living tradition was undergone from generations. Devdasis were truly dedicated towards devtas (gods) and offered them with their dance, music and elaborate rituals.

Bharat Natyam is a splendid art form can be competently described as a poetry in motion. It has combination of bhava (acting), raga (melody) and tal (rhythm). The dance is performed in the stage as Nritta(rhythmic dance movements), Natyam(dance with a dramatic aspects) and Nritya (combination of both). Its technique is complicated comprise of 64 principal coordinated hand, foot and body movement. Usually performed solo, performance is accompanied with dance syllable (bol).

The dance is an expressive form of different moods such as passion, heroic sentiments, fear, anger, hatred, laughter, amazement and peace. The background music generally is a blend of different Indian instruments like mridangam, violin, flute and cymbals. Music is based on classical carnatic music. Instrumental music accompanied by songs that are religious or even erotic. The traditional costume is trouser and Kanchipuram silk or Banaras silk. Lots of sparkling ornament embellished on necks, ears, hands, and head. Also women sport a jasmine garland in the hair and foot fallal with small bells.

Bharat Natyam has been ramified into three tradition : the sadir – natya, the Bhagavatamala and the Kuruvati. Generally performed with Sanskrit hymns and songs depicting scenes from Lord Krishna’s life.

A typical Bharat Natyam dance includes of seven items. Starting with opening prayer of Ganapati Vandana or worship of Nataraja. After that dancer gives Tal (rhythm) with simple syllables. After drums set the beat, dancer continue to dance in an abstract form called Jatiswaram. Here dancer shows the elegant movement and detailed footwork. Shabdam is a dance that accompanied by a poem or song with devotional theme. The center piece of performance is known as Varnam, it is the longest part of dance with complicated moves and expression detailing the story or theme. Padam is the section when dancer express some aspect of love. Thillana is the final form of dance when performer is in the full form with elaborate footworks and beguiling poses.

Bharat Natyam is one of the most popular dance form in India and practiced by male and female dancers both. Also now a days theory of Bharat Natyam and languages associated with its development are course at some major universities in India.

You too can behold the beauty of this dance! Book Your tour to India and watch this beautiful display of dance.

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