She's Wanderlust - India Safe For Women Traveller?

Most often women travellers coming to India are apprehensive about the state - as Would they be able to freely explore the destination without being looted or molested.? Now and then we hear bizzare news of female's being attacked and this kind of create an image of India as an unhealthy and unsafe country.

For a women (be an Indian or foreigner), the first thing that she should n't forget that she would get an undue attention; so in that case we have to be intelligent enough in travelling. If we do our home work and is agile on our foray we might not confront any dangerous situation.

What A Female Traveller Should Do ?

1 ) As I said earlier, do your homework- research about the destination. Read and gather as much information as you could on a particular place you wish to visit.

2) Use of Common sense - Please and Please avoid travelling during night no matter what the case is. This is the easiest and safest way to avoid

3) Try to contact some friend in India who can be of help to you on your foray. Keep Police and Hospital numbers handy.

4) If you are travelling in India and that alone then I would suggest you take care of your clothing. The dress you put up should deifinitely be comfortable but not as to attract people. Avoid Shorts/Skirts/Spaghettis.

5) Try to travel in groups and always carry a peppermint spray with you..

India is a beautiful country and is should be seen that way, rowdies can be any where, they are in your country so they are in ours. A bit of precaution from your side can make your trip a memorabale and cheerful experience.

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1 comment:

Aparna Ganguly said...

Helpful tips. Hope something can be done about the safety of travelers in general. It is worrisome to note a handful of people maltreating wayfarers and desecrating the Indian belief: Atithi devo bhavah.